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Health & Nutrition

How to Help a Dog’s Upset Stomach: 6 Simple Ideas You Can Do at Home

July 01, 2024 - 7 minute read by Alexis McCagh

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What Causes an Upset Stomach in Dogs

Like with humans, dogs might have an upset stomach for many reasons. Some causes are minor, while others can be more serious. Here’s a list of what may cause an upset stomach in dogs. It is always best to consult your veterinarian if your dog experiencing any

  • Inflammation Inflammation is the body’s natural response to something that may cause harm (like a virus, toxin, etc.) and starts the healing process. The problem is that inflammation can cause discomfort.

  • Obstructions An obstruction occurs when food (or objects dogs aren’t supposed to eat) gets stuck within the digestive tract and can’t move forward naturally, causing a backup. This backup then produces various problems and pain.

  • Gas Gas is a byproduct of digestion, and if not released, it can cause bloating and pain.

  • Nausea Nausea can occur due to motion sickness, medication, or for another reason. That feeling of wanting to throw up can cause your dog’s stomach to hurt.

  • Constipation If your dog isn’t able to poop, it will build up, leading to abdominal pain, bloating, and general digestive upset.

  • Bloating When too much gas gets trapped in your dog’s stomach, it can swell and become painful.

  • Ulcers An ulcer is a slow-healing sore that develops when your dog’s stomach lining is damaged. It can occur naturally due to inflammation, an outside force like medication, or when your dog eats something it shouldn’t have.

  • Malabsorption Malabsorption means your dog struggles to digest food correctly, which can cause nutrition deficiencies.

  • Changes in Diet An abrupt change in a dog’s diet can cause temporary stomach upset.

  • Eating Something They Shouldn’t Have When dogs eat toxic food or an inedible object, this can cause digestive problems and an upset stomach. Learn how to clean up your dog’s diet properly to ensure your dog’s not eating anything wrong!

  • Stress Dogs can get upset stomachs when feeling stressed out, just like humans.

  • Infection A bacterial or viral infection can cause an upset stomach.

  • Food Intolerances/Allergies If your dog has a food allergy or intolerance (yes, they are different things), this will cause an upset stomach due to digestive system irritation.

  • Parasites A dog can develop many parasites, such as hookworm, tapeworm, and more, affecting the digestive system. The parasites can attach themselves to the lining of the stomach and intestines or take away nutrients from your dog’s food.

A dog lying on the floor

When You Should Be Worried About an Upset Stomach

It can be hard to tell when your dog’s stomach trouble is more than a minor upset. A few signs can help determine if your dog needs medical attention or just time to recuperate.

The most obvious is continuous diarrhea and vomiting. If your dog can’t stop these actions for more than 24 hours, it’s best to get your companion checked out.

Losing appetite and refusal to eat after 48 hours can also indicate a more significant health concern.

How to Help a Dog’s Upset Stomach in 6 Natural Ways

1. Fasting

What can I give my dog for their upset stomach? Sometimes, the best answer is nothing.

Fasting can be an easy solution to your dog’s stomach problems. It lets your dog’s digestion focus on healing rather than breaking down food. Fasting should last 24 hours at most before it could negatively affect your dog.

2. Staying Hydrated

When your dog experiences stomach problems, keeping it hydrated is crucial. Additional symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea can quickly cause dehydration.

If your dog isn’t interested in drinking water, you can give them ice cubes to chew on. The coolness will feel good to them, and it’s more interesting than drinking plain water. However, if your dog has dental problems, skip the ice cubes.

3. Feeding Bland Food

It’s hard to know what you can give your dog for an upset stomach—you don’t want to make it worse. Bland food is an excellent option because it doesn’t have much flavor or complex nutrients, so it’s easy for your dog’s digestive system to break down.

Bland food examples include:

  • Bone broth (also good for hydration efforts)
  • Boiled chicken
  • Cooked plain pumpkin
  • Plain rice
  • Sweet potatoes

4. Adding Fiber

Depending on why your dog doesn’t feel well, adding more fiber to their diet can help—especially in cases of constipation. Fiber helps the digestive system work faster and smoother, leading to healthier poops.

Here are some foods that are full of fiber:

  • Bananas
  • Carrots
  • Pumpkin
  • Spinach
  • Sweet potato

If your dog experiences bloating or gas problems, fiber can worsen it, so it may be best to start with bland food instead of fibrous food.

Learn more about vegetables that are good for your dog!

A woman cooking in the kitchen

5. Feed Smaller Meals

To lessen the work your dog’s stomach has to do, you can try feeding them smaller meals throughout the day. Due to the smaller portions, you’ll have to make more meals to ensure they get the same amount of food as usual.

6. Let Them Rest

Your dog may be tired due to their tummy troubles, and it’s important to let them rest. A dog’s body works on healing itself while sleeping. Letting your dog relax may also help with any stress-related stomach issues.

Preventing Tummy Troubles

If your dog has chronic stomach problems, there are a few things you can do to improve your dog’s stomach health.

Use Whole Food Ingredients

The source of your dog’s stomach problems could be the food they’re eating. Upgrade their meals with whole food ingredients—they provide more nutrients your dog needs. Whole foods also have fewer chemicals and preservatives that can irritate a dog’s digestive system.

Use Probiotics

Probiotics help keep your dog’s stomach bacteria in balance. With too much harmful bacteria in the stomach, problems start to occur. Probiotics are made up of good bacteria and can help restore balance in your dog’s stomach.

Add Supplements to their Meal

Supplements may help get your dog the nutrients they need that they aren’t getting from food. This may help improve digestive health, inflammation, and overall health.

A group of pumpkins on a table

Make Healthy Whole Food Meals for Your Canine Companion

It’s much easier to provide tasty whole food meals to your dog than most pet parents think—especially with our specialty meals. With meals full of delicious whole food ingredients that support your dog’s general health, you can’t go wrong.

You can make a whole meal for your dog within 15 minutes. Browse our selection of healthy dog food.

About The Author

Alexis McCagh

Alexis McCagh, who holds a Masters of Science in Psychology from Southern New Hampshire University, passionately fulfills the role of Dr. Harvey’s Influencer/Community Manager. Alexis holds Pet Food Nutrition and Canine Nutrition certifications from the Feed Real Institute and dedicates herself to enlightening others about animal nutrition. Through her insightful blog, Love + Tail Wags, she shares a wealth of knowledge to foster a community nurtured with understanding and love for animal wellbeing. Visit Love + Tail Wags!

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