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Pet Food & Ingredients

Fourth Of July Dog Ice Pop Recipe

June 26, 2023 - 5 minute read by Alexis McCagh


Give your pup a tail-wagging and nutritional 4th of July treat with this recipe! You can use an ice pop mold or ice cube tray to make these.


  • Blueberries
  • Blue Spirulina (optional)
  • Raw Goat’s Milk or Kefir
  • Strawberries and/or Raspberries
  • Your Favorite Dr. Harvey’s Supplement

A table with various objects on it

  1. Blend ¼ cup water with ½ cup blueberries, 2 teaspoons of blue spirulina, 2 scoops of your favorite Dr. Harvey’s supplement (Relax is a great supplement for dogs that get nervous during 4th of July fireworks).
  2. Fill each mold ⅓ of the way with this mixture. Freeze for 30 minutes.

  3. Fill each mold ⅓ of the way with raw goat’s milk or kefir. Freeze for 30 minutes.

  4. Blend ¼ cup water with ½ cup strawberries and/or raspberries. Use this mixture to top off each mold.

  5. Freeze for 1-2 hours before serving to your pup!

We know your dog’s tail will be wagging with these fun treats and can’t wait for you to share your pictures with us on Instagram. Tag us @DoctorHarveys!

A dog with a hat on its head and a person holding a water bottle

What frozen treats are good for dogs?

Frozen treats can be a delightful and refreshing way to pamper our canine companions, but it's crucial to choose options that are not only tasty but also safe and beneficial for their health. Good frozen treats for dogs include frozen fruit cubes made from dog-safe fruits like watermelon, blueberries, and strawberries, providing a burst of natural sweetness and hydration. Low-calorie and crunchy frozen vegetable sticks, such as carrot sticks or green beans, can satisfy their need to chew while keeping them cool. Plain yogurt frozen into small dollops provides probiotics for digestive health, and frozen peanut butter treats offer a creamy and flavorful delight. Additionally, freezing meat treats, chicken broth, or salmon can give dogs a savory and protein-rich indulgence. When making frozen treats at home, avoiding harmful ingredients and consulting with a veterinarian ensures that our furry friends enjoy not only a delectable treat but also a safe and wholesome one.

What type of popsicles can dogs eat?

Dogs can enjoy a variety of safe and dog-friendly popsicles to beat the heat and savor a tasty treat. Fruit-based popsicles made from dog-safe fruits like watermelon, blueberries, strawberries, and apples (without seeds) are excellent choices, providing a burst of natural sweetness and hydration. Additionally, freezing plain, unsweetened yogurt into small dollops makes for a creamy and cooling delight that also offers beneficial probiotics for their digestive health. For a savory option, freezing low-sodium chicken or beef broth into popsicles can be both hydrating and satisfying. When making popsicles for our furry friends, it's essential to avoid harmful ingredients like chocolate, artificial sweeteners, and grapes, ensuring that the frozen treats are not only delicious but also safe and nourishing for our canine companions.

Can dogs have yogurt?

Yes, dogs can have yogurt, but it's important to do so in moderation and with certain considerations. Plain, unsweetened yogurt is generally safe for most dogs, and it contains beneficial probiotics that can support their digestive health. However, some dogs may be lactose intolerant, and yogurt does contain lactose, albeit in lower amounts than regular milk. To avoid any potential digestive issues, introduce yogurt gradually into your dog's diet and observe how they respond. If your dog enjoys yogurt and tolerates it well, it can be a healthy and tasty occasional treat. As with any new addition to your dog's diet, it's always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian, especially if your dog has any existing health conditions or dietary restrictions.

What cold things can dogs eat?

Dogs can enjoy a variety of cold treats and foods to keep them refreshed and happy, especially during hot weather. Some cold treats that are safe and suitable for dogs include frozen fruits like watermelon, blueberries, strawberries, and apples (without seeds), providing a natural and hydrating sweetness. Additionally, frozen vegetables like carrot sticks or green beans offer a crunchy and low-calorie option for dogs to munch on. Plain, unsweetened yogurt frozen into small dollops can be a creamy and soothing delight that also provides probiotics for their digestive health. For a savory choice, freezing low-sodium chicken or beef broth into ice cubes or popsicles can be a hydrating and satisfying treat. Remember to avoid harmful ingredients like chocolate, artificial sweeteners, and grapes, and always introduce new cold foods gradually into your dog's diet to ensure they tolerate them well. Providing these cold treats in moderation can make summer days more enjoyable and keep our furry friends cool and content.

About The Author

Alexis McCagh

Alexis McCagh, who holds a Masters of Science in Psychology from Southern New Hampshire University, passionately fulfills the role of Dr. Harvey’s Influencer/Community Manager. Alexis holds Pet Food Nutrition and Canine Nutrition certifications from the Feed Real Institute and dedicates herself to enlightening others about animal nutrition. Through her insightful blog, Love + Tail Wags, she shares a wealth of knowledge to foster a community nurtured with understanding and love for animal wellbeing. Visit Love + Tail Wags!

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