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Hi Dr. Harvey’s
It was last summer when I ordered Veg-To-Bowl Fine Ground again for my dogs.
I had lived in the Washington, DC area till Dec. 2013 and that was when I first met Veg-To- Bowl. I knew right away that my dogs liked it a lot and it was healthy.
Then I moved to South Korea.
I’d like to thank you and your staff for going through all that fuss to ship my order to South Korea. (APO address)
I am very happy to let you know how your kind decision helped me and my dogs especially the older one.
My older dog, GN, will be a 13-year-old dog in April. I can’t believe I can tell he is going to have another birthday!!
He went through a surgery a couple of days after Christmas in 2013 and 3 inches of his small intestine was removed. It was his first cancer.
6 months later he was diagnosed as Thymoma. The CT scan images showed that it was too late for a surgery since the tumors are almost chestful that they had adhered and were invasive onto the vena cava. The vets were expecting a few months left for him. Chemotherapy was not going to help much so I refused it and decided to give him just simply the happiest days for the rest of his life. That was when I had to order Veg-To-Bowl. His appetite was bad and Veg-To-Bowl was the only thing he would take without complaint.
To make the long story short, he is free from the tumors!
If he would not have been able to eat such good food this would not have happened.
I appreciate your kindness at this time.
We wanted you to know and to say…
Thank you!!
Maggie Brown

— Maggie Brown and GN
Please remember that customer reviews have been generated by customers in their own words, and may not represent the thoughts or opinions of Dr. Harvey's or its staff. Dr. Harvey's products are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Please consult your veterinarian if your pet has health concerns.
Testimonial Image of Maggie Brown and GN