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Chelsea Rager

Chelsea Rager is a part of Dr. Harvey’s customer service team. She is certified in Pet Food Nutrition by Dogs Naturally. She educates and speaks with customers every day via phone and email about how to feed their companion animals so they can live longer, happier lives.


Chelsea holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and a minor in English From Arizona State University

She is also certified in CPR/First Aid for Adults,Children and Pets by the American Red Cross


Chelsea has previous work experience over the past 5 years in customer service. She enjoys learning new things and sharing the information she has learned with others. She has experience helping customers choose the best products based on their individual needs and preferences. At Dr. Harvey’s, Chelsea helps customers choose the best products for their pets by educating them about animal nutrition.

Chelsea loves being a part of Dr. Harvey’s customer support team. When she isn’t helping animals, Chelsea enjoys reading and listening to music

Get to Know More About Chelsea

Do you have any pets? What are their names?

I have a 3 year old Mini Australian Shepherd named Misha. She weighs about 20 pounds. She is the sweetest and has the most energy. She enjoys going on hikes, playing fetch with her frisbee, and taking long naps in the sun by the window. Her happy energy is contagious to everyone she meets.

What Dr. Harvey’s foods and treats do you feed your pet and why?

Misha gets a rotation of Dr. Harvey’s Canine Health and Veg-To-Bowl Fine Ground. Misha has a sensitive stomach so she needs a meal plan that caters to her needs. Dr. Harvey is perfect for this as the vegetables that she gets from our base mixes helps ease her digestive issues. Misha loves ALL of our treats, but her favorite is our Wild Alaskan Salmon Bites! She will do tricks for treats and likes to do dances and spins for them.

What is your favorite part about working at Dr. Harvey’s?

My favorite part about working at Dr. Harvey’s is having the opportunity to educate pet parents about their companion’s diet. It was eye opening to learn about the dog food industry and how most dog foods are created. I also really enjoy sharing the information about our food and how we stand out compared to others. It is great to talk to parents about their pets and try to pair them up with a food that is not only holistic ,but can be geared towards being helpful for certain health concerns. Also, my coworkers are pretty amazing!

Name a unique fact about yourself.

I enjoy crocheting with Misha on the couch. I also like to read books in my free time. I find educational books very interesting but I’m also a fan of fiction books. Some books I would recommend reading would be: The Forever Dog by Rodney Habib for an educational background on how diet and nutrition are the building blocks to having a healthy dog. For fantasy/ fiction readers, I highly recommend checking out: A Court of Thornes and Roses by Sarah J. Mass.